Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo
Ph.D. student @ Università degli studi di Trento (UNITN)
joint supervision with Jyväskylän Yliopisto (JYU)
since 1/1/2015 for 3 years.
under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Serra Cassano
Ph.D. Thesis
“Topics in non-Riemannian geometry” on September 15, 2017
I am preparing a double doctoral degree between the University of Trento (Italy) and the University of Jyväsklyä (Finland). My doctoral thesis is based on the research I have done in Finland under the supervision of Enrico Le Donne in the past three years. It concerns the regularity of spheres of sub-Finsler distances on Carnot groups and asymptotic estimates of Riemannian distances. In addition to these topics, my research in Trento is based on minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group.
Local training activities:
- [Course] Geometric analysis reading group - 1° semester 2014-2026 Jyväskylä, Finland
- [Course] Topological Group Theory (lecturer E. le Donne) - 1° semester 2014-2027 Jyväskylä, Finland
Network-wide training activities:
- [Workshop] Sub-Riemannian Analysis, PDE and Applications - January 26-30, 2015 Berna, Swiss
- [Workshop] Geometric Analysis in the Heisenberg group - March 4-6, 2015 Bologna, Italy
- [Workshop] Analysis and Geometry in metric spaces - June 1-5, 2015 Madrid, Spain
- [Summer School] Analysis and Geometry in metric spaces - July 6-10, 2015 Levico Terme, TN, Italy
- [Conference] XXVI Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni - Jaunary 18-22, 2016 Levico Terme, Italy
- [Summer School] The 26th Jyväskylä Summer School - August 3-19, 2016 Jyväskylä, Finland
- [Workshop] A mathematical tribute to Ennio De Giorgi - September 19-23, 2016 Pisa, Italy
- [Workshop] Around Analysis, domains and mappings, conference on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Olli Martio - December 15-17, 2016 Jyväskylä, Finland
- [Workshop] XXXVII Convegno nazionale di Analisi Armonica - May 23-25, 2017 Bressanone, Italy
- [Workshop] 23rd Rolf Nevanlinna Colloquium - June 12-16, 2017 Zürich, Switzerland
- [Summer School] New trends on Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces - June 26-30, 2017 Levico, Italy
- [Summer School] Neurogeometry - July 2-14, 2017 Cortona, Italy
- [Summer School + Workshop] 27th Jyväskylä Summer School and MAnET-miniworkshop - August 7-18, 2017 Jyväskylä, Finland
- [Research visit] Tufts University - January 9 to February 10, 2017 Doston, US
- [Course] Symmetry and Geometric Structures - August 28 to September 8, 2017 Warsaw, Poland
Talks and Poster Presentations:
- [Seminar] Seminar: Regularity of spheres in metric groups at Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Trento - March 2, 2015 Povo, TN, Italy
- [Talk] Regularity of spheres in metric groups at Junior seminars at ICMAT - May 18, 2015 Madrid, Spain
- [Talk] Homogeneous distances and shape of spheres at Analysis seminar - October 5, 2017 IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
- [Seminar] Seminar: Geometry and Analysis in the Heisenberg group: results and further problems at Seminari Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Trento - October 7, 2015 Povo, TN, Italy
- [Talk] Some remarks on the Berstein’s problem in the first Heisenberg group at Mid-term Review Meeting - December 9, 2015 Helsinki, Finland
- [Talk] A new stable surface in the Heisenberg group at MAnET Metric Analysis Meeting - January 18-19, 2017 Paris, France
- [Talk] From homogeneous metric spaces to Lie groups at Colloquium of the Tufts University - February 10, 2017 Tufts University, Medford, MI, USA
- [Talk] The PDEs of minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group at Analysis Seminar at Worcester University - February 14, 2017 Worcester University, MI, USA
- [Talk] Characterization of self-similar Lie groups at Analysis seminar - March 3, 2017 Trento
- [Talk] Characterization of self-similar Lie groups at Graduate seminar - March 10, 2017 Jyväskylä
- [Talk] Metric spheres in graded groups at Geometric Seminar, Math Department, Jyväskylä - September 15, 2017 Jyväskylä, Finland
- [Talk] Minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group at Analysis seminar - October 12, 2017 IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
- [Talk] Minimal surfaces in the Heisenberg group at Sub-Riemannian Geometry Harmonic Analysis, PDE and Applications - January 24-27, 2018 Bologna, Italy
- Univeristy of Jyväskylä - January 20 to Aprile 27, 2015 Jyväskylä, Finland
Publications and Preprints
- E. Le Donne, S. Nicolussi Golo, A. Sambusetti, Asymptotic behavior of the Riemannian Heisenberg group and its horoboundary on Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata Vol 196 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2016 pp. 1-22 open access version
- E. Le Donne, S. Nicolussi Golo, Regularity properties of spheres in homogeneous groups on Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Vol 370 American Mathematical Society 2017 pp. 2057-2084 open access version
- S. Nicolussi Golo, Some remarks on contact variations in the first Heisenberg group on Vol 3 Academia Scientiarum Fennica 2018 pp. 311-335 open access version
- C.Y. Guo, S. Nicolussi Golo, M. Williams, Quasiregular mappings between subRiemannian manifolds preprint
- S. Nicolussi Golo, A new stable surface in the Heisenberg group report
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