MAnET is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) devoted to the training of young researchers on new frontier of mathematics and its applications.
The aspects of the program are:
- Individual Research program with structured courses;
- Network-wide multidisciplinary training events with private sector participation;
- Secondments through other research centres or private companies.
The training program can open a large spectrum of opportunities of career development, in academic and private world.
The scientific objective of the project is to develop new and highly sophisticated instruments of metric analysis in rich geometrical setting, non isotropic or non regular.
Non isotropic problems arise while describing the motion of a system in which some directions are not allowed by a constraint, as models of the visual cortex or robotics, or traffic dynamic. Non regular metric analogue of differential objects arise as limits of regular surfaces, or minima of a functional. The differential instruments are no more sufficient to handle these objects and have to be replaced by instruments of geometric measure theory: mass transportation, and singular integrals. These results will open the possibility of affording a large spectrum of emergent technological problems from human to computer vision and medical imaging from eye path tracking to traffic dynamics and robot design.
The consortium consists of 9 European University and 4 enterprises, an alliance of careful selected partners with a high reputation in a set of complementary disciplines consisting in Geometric Measure theory Subriemannian PDE, Mathematical modelling in geometrical setting, Neuroscience and Robotics.
The network offers a total of 10 Early Stage Research (ESR) PhD positions for 36 months and 4 Experienced Researcher (ER) post-doctoral positions for 18 or 24 months.