Farhad Hatami
Ph.D. student @ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
since 12/1/2015 for 3 years.
under the supervision of Prof. Albert Clop (UAB), Dr. Aleix Ruiz de Villa (TSS)
2006-2011, Bachelor degree in Mathematics, Shahed University, Iran. 2011-2013, Master degree in Pure Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology. 2016-Present, PhD. Degree in Mathematics, Universitat Autonoma de barcelona, Spain (Title of PhD. project: Optimal mass transport with congestion, and applications to traffic analysis and machine learning)
Complementary training activities:
- [Course] Language courses - a.a. 2015-2016 Barcelona, Spain
Local training activities:
- [Seminars] Periodic Seminar of Analysis in Barcelona - a.a. 2014-2015 Barcelona, Spain
- [Course] Reading course on the book Optimal transportation for applied mathematicians by F. Santambrogio - a.a. 2014-2015 Barcelona, Spain
- [Course] Reading course on the paper Optimal transportation with traffic congestion and Wardrop equilibria, by G. Carlier, C. Jimenez and F. Santambrogio - a.a. 2014-2015 Barcelona, Spain
- [Course] Reading course on the theory of optimal mass transportation through bibliography of L. Ambrosio and C. Villani - a.a. 2014-2015 Barcelona, Spain
- [Course] Quasiconformal mappings and Complex Dynamics (lecturers Albert Clop (UAB), Núria Fagella (UB) and Xavier Tolsa, ICREA (UAB)) - Februrary 17, 2015 Barcelona, Spain
Network-wide training activities:
- [Workshop] Analysis and Geometry in metric spaces - June 1-5, 2015 Madrid, Spain
- [Conference] 10th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations - June 12-17, 2016 Madrid, Spain
- [Conference] Barcelona Analysis Conference 2016 - September 5-9, 2016 Barcelona, Spain
- [Research Visit] Università Federico II di Napoli - Februrary 1, to March 30, 2017 Napoli, Italy
Talks and Poster Presentations:
- [Talk] Optimization of transportation problem - Adjustment of OD matrices at Geometric mesaure theory, optimal mass transportation and PDEs - June 15-19, 2015 Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain
- [Talk] Wardrop’s equilibrium and adjustment of OD matrices at Mid-term Review Meeting - December 9, 2015 Helsinki, Finland
- [Talk] Congested traffic problem; estimation and dimension reduction in static OD matrix problem at Sub-Riemannian Geometry Harmonic Analysis, PDE and Applications - January 24-27, 2018 Bologna, Italy
- TSS - January to October, 2017 Barcelona, Spain
Publications and Preprints
- A. Clop, R. Giova, F. Hatami, A. Passarelli di Napoli, Congested traffic dynamicsand very degenerate elliptic equationsunder supercritical Sobolev regularity preprint
- F. Hatami, A. Clop, A. Ruiz de Vila, New approaches in adjustment matrix in preparation
- A. Clop, R. Giova, F. Hatami, A. Passarelli di Napoli, Non-autonomous very degenerate elliptic equations with applications to traffic models in preparation
- F. Hatami, Wardrop’s equilibrium and adjustment of OD matrices report
- F. Hatami, New approaches for obtaining an adjustment matrix in traffic modelling report
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