Marta Favali
Ph.D. student @ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
joint supervision with Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna - Dipartimento di Matematica (UNIBO)
since 5/1/2014 for 3 years.
under the supervision of Prof. Giovanna Citti, Prof. Alessandro Sarti
Ph.D. Thesis
“Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures” on April 18, 2017
In the first part of my project I began to study geometric models of visual perception using dimensionality reduction techniques and I studied some first examples of grouping and figure-ground segmentation techniques. Starting from the kernels that represent the cortical connectivity, the problem of grouping has been faced by means of spectral analysis of suitable affinity matrices. For the numerical simulations, I have first considered particularly Kanizsa figures as clear examples of problems of visual perception. Other examples of stimulus formed by different perceptual units have been studied. Then, I started to apply the model of cortical connectivity obtained with different stochastic kernel to the analysis of retinal images, to afford problems of grouping during the tracking of blood vessels. Combining spectral analysis and spectral clustering algorithm it has been possible to group different perceptual units in these images. My activity is going on comparing the results obtained through these models with functional data fMRI, analyzing encoding and decoding models.
Complementary training activities:
- [Course] Initiation à la programmation pratique avec le langage Python - November 13, 2014 Paris, France
- [Course] Mathematical database and digital Libraries - a.a. 2015-2016 Bologna, Italy
Local training activities:
- [Course] Neuro geometry and statistics of images (lecturer G.Sanguinetti) - May 27-19, 2014 Bologna, Italy
- [Course] Cours avancé en neuroscience théorique, (lecturer J.P. Nadal) within the Master Recherche en Sciences Cognitives - 1° semester 2014-2015 Paris, France
- [Course] The partial differential equations of image processing (and their surprising applications) (lecturer J.M. Morel) - 1° semester 2014-2016 Paris, France
- [Course] Méthodes mathématiques pour les neurosciences (lecturer O. Faugeras) - 1° semester 2014-2017 Paris, France
- [Seminar] Geometric visual hallucinations and the architecture of the visual cortex (lecturer J.Cowan) - October 10, 2014 Paris, France
- [Seminars] Séminaire du CAMS, neuro-mathématiques de la vision (Periodic) - a.a. 2016-2017 Paris, France
Network-wide training activities:
- [Workshop] Sub-Riemannian Analysis, PDE and Applications - January 26-30, 2015 Berna, Swiss
- [Summer School] Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis - February 9-13 and 23-26, 2015 Eindhoven, Netherlands
Talks and Poster Presentations:
- [Talk] Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures at Seminaire Périodique: Neuro-mathématiques de la vision: Organizateurs: G.Citti, A. Destexhe, O. Faujeras, Y. Fregnac, J.P. Nadal, J. Petitot, A. Sarti, EITN - 1° semester 2014-2018 Paris, France
- [Poster] Spectral clustering with cortical kernels at Geometrical Models in Vision - October 22-24, 2014 Paris, France
- [Poster] Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures at ED3C Roscoff meeting - March 1, 2015 Roscoff, France
- [Talk] Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures at Mid-term Review Meeting - December 9, 2015 Helsinki, Finland
- [Talk] Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures at Neuromathematics, Mathematical and Computational neuroscience - September 11-17, 2016 Cortona, Italy
- UNIBO - September 2015 to February 2016 Bologna, Italy
Publications and Preprints
- M. Favali, S. Abbasi, A. Sarti, B. H. ter Romeny, Analysis of Vessel Connectivities in Retinal Images by Cortically Inspired Spectral Clustering on Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision Vol 56 Springer Netherlands 2016 pp. 158-172 open access version
- M. Favali, G. Citti, A. Sarti, Local and global gestalt laws: A neurally based spectral approach on Neural Computation Vol 29 The MIT Press Journal 2017 pp. 394-422 open access version
- S. Abbasi-Sureshjani, M. Favali, G. Citti, A. Sarti, B. ter Haar Romeny, Curvature Integration in a 5D Kernel for Extracting Vessel Connections in Retinal Images on IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Vol 27 IEEE 2018 pp. 606 - 621 open access version
- M. Favali, Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures report
- M. Favali, Formal models of visual perception based on cortical architectures report
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